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Financial support for young and old

In keeping with the wishes expressed by Walter F. Blüchert during his lifetime, the Karin und Walter Blüchert Gedächtnisstiftung focuses on providing direct and immediate support to people in need. Support is given to people who need a helping hand on account of their physical or mental state or economic hardship and who do not receive any assistance – or who only receive insufficient assistance – from public funds or health insurance providers.

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Institutional support

In keeping with the Blüchert family tradition, direct support for individuals is at the heart of the Karin und Walter Blüchert Gedächtnisstiftung. Institutions and organisations who share the philosophy of the Foundation and the principles of Walter Blüchert – and who provide direct assistance to people in need – may also be eligible for support. First and foremost, all supported institutions must pursue the objective of helping people directly.

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Financial support for body and soul

The Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation continues this tradition and life's work - pride towards what Walter Blüchert accomplished in his life and gratitude towards what he left as a legacy to his family. A legacy that gives the Blüchert family the opportunity to support those who need help the most.

Direct support for people in need is the guiding principle of the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation - just as Walter F. Blüchert decreed during his lifetime. Because the happiness of others also gives rise to personal happiness and the incentive to do good. Because every person counts.

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