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„Tradition does not mean looking after the ash, but keeping the flame alive.“ – Jean Jaurès

It is essential to have a profound connection with what you do. After all, you can only go far in something if you do it with passion. This maxim not only drove Walter Blüchert’s work as a publisher, but also as a benefactor.

By facing the future with confidence, meeting uncertainty with optimism and sharing Hölderlin’s faith that salvation emerges wherever danger looms, Walter Blüchert always knew that he wanted to be a helping hand for those who need it.

The Karin und Walter Blüchert Gedächtnisstiftung (the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation) continues this tradition and life’s work – with pride at what Walter Blüchert achieved in his life and with gratitude for the legacy he left his family. This legacy enables the Blüchert family to help those who need it most.

Providing direct support to people in need is the mission of the Karin und Walter Blüchert Gedächtnisstiftung – true to what Walter F. Blüchert intended during his lifetime. After all, the joy of others gives rise to personal happiness and is an incentive to do good. Because everyone matters.

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